If you’d like to set up a lesson or schedule a recording project, please hit the contact button to get in touch.

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Online Lessons:


If you are looking to find your setup, accelerate your bow technique, find your core sound, build agility, grow your solo/orchestral repertoire, tighten up that intonation or simply build some pizz chops, I will work with you to create a plan that will help you reach your music-making goals.


I will work with you to, build those reading chops, navigate chord changes, create your own bass lines/walking lines, expand your fingerboard geography, introduce you to funk and slap, or simply polish that pick or finger-pluckin’ technique.


I am setup to record electric and acoustic bass tracks for your project needs.


If you are interested in setting up a lesson or arranging a recording session, please hit the contact button at the top of the page to send a message.